Building Use
Acacia Club of Hopkinton
(property owner)
Before you call, please view our calendar to verify that the date you desire
is not already reserved. While we try to keep this calendar up-to-date, just because
a date displays open might mean we have not yet updated the calendar
For information and availability contact
Paul Chouinard, Tel. 508.652.0162
Please note that John Warren Lodge does not own the building and is not authorized to sub-lease, rent, or otherwise allow others access to the facility. Approval and scheduling arrangments must occur through the building owner.
Generally the top floor room is not available. Depending on the type of event the building owner occasionally allows use for small weddings or other specifically vetted events.
The downstairs hall, Doughty Hall, is available for small groups of up to 70. Usage of the kitchen is not provided other than refrigerator storage.