(Click on the image to play the video)



Thank you for your interest. The basic requirement for membership is a professed belief in a single Supreme Being and the abiilty to incur some financial and time commitment obligations without injury to yourself or family.

Freemasonry is the premier fraternal organization in the world, with lodges in almost every country in the free world. It is open to men of adult (18 in MA) age of any color, any religion, nationality or social standing. The goal of Freemasonry is to enhance and strengthen the character of the individual man by providing opportunities for fellowship, charity, education, and leadership based on the three ancient Masonic tenents, Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth.
Background Check
With a more mobile society in which you may not know a local lodge member, our Grand Lodge requires every applicant must complete a background check. This is something that you order through this service: http://www.infocheckusa.com/masons-ordering-mass.html. The report is delivered only to you. However you must be willing to review it with the Lodge investigation committee (typically three men) otherwise your application process cannot continue. Should there exist a past minor issue, it is not a disqualifying situation. All aspects of this report are private to you and the Investigation Committee (when you choose to share it with them). Please never submit a copy of the background check with your application or any other time to any Lodge member! No copy should be given to any member of the Investigation Committee.
Additional Guides

We invite you to explore the 'Common Question' page as this may answer a number of questoin you might have. As you explore our web site, you will discover the scope of activities and charity our fraternity support ranging from local Masonic Angel Funds, Child Identification Program (CHIP), Shrine Burns Hospitals, Museums, George Washington National Memorial as a sample of the charities that that spend over $1.5 million a day to support. None of this would be possible without a sustaining base of men who desire to pursue a path of self-improvement and fraternal relationships.

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If you are interested in meeting with us for additional information please send us an email (link to the left) or use the form display below or leave a message on the lodge telephone. This will enable us to contact you and setup a meeting at mutual convenience so that you can see the lodge and have any questions answered. Your spouse or guest would be most welcome as well

Contact the Lodge Ambassador and Master

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